Birmingham City 10/11 XTEP Kit Vote

birmingham city 10-11 xstep kit vote

For the first time in many years Birmingham City Football Club is giving the fans the chance to have a say on the design of the new 2010/11 home kit made by Xtep.

When the new Board took the club over last October they pledged to work more closely with the supporters, who they acknowledge are the lifeblood of the club.

Sign in or create an account to earn points for voting, keep track of your reviews, edit them, and more.

This kit poll is just part of that ongoing commitment, so make sure your voice is heard by voting now.

There is a shortlist of four possible designs to choose from.

Once you have selected your favourite, please let us know.

Voting ends Friday 9th April, so cast your vote and make your opinion count!

birmingham city 10-11 xstep kit vote


birmingham city 10-11 xstep kit vote


birmingham city 10-11 xstep kit vote


birmingham city 10-11 xstep kit vote



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