FSC 10/12 Kit launched

new kit
The new FSC 10/12 kit is now officially revealed.  A new look for a new era in football shirt news.  FootballShirtCulture.com has been updated and improved to continue as your first port of call when seeking out what the world's football teams will be wearing in days to come.
On FSC you can now easily follow the total FSC community, build your profile, and use our marketplace to sell or swap your shirts across the internet.  Additionally, the FootballShirtCulture.com shop, the Nike shop and other partners remain easily accessible.
The ever-popular forum will be revamped to improve the user interaction experience.  Don't just take our word for it, take a look and post to let us know your thoughts.
Of course, your other favourite features, the football shirt blog and the now 5,000 uploads-strong Fantasy Kit Design gallery remain and will continue to go from strength to strength.
As always, huge thanks for your continued support, without which we'd be lost.

Whats New?

Follow users activity stream

Sign in or create an account to earn points for voting, keep track of your reviews, edit them, and more.

Get real-time updates on friends' daily activities through Jomsocial Activity Stream. Follow personal blogs and Twitter posts from one location.

Share photos

Creating photo albums to share with friends is as easy as 1-2-3! Get your friends to comment on your photos.

Connect with friends

Chatting with old friends and making new ones is central to the community system. Members can send private messages to anyone and connect amongst themselves at any time.

Media Support

supports Youtube, Vimeo, and more on community user Walls

Facebook Connect

To make the registration process hassle-free, we've even included our new Facebook-Connect login.

Profile pics, status updates & more are “pulled” in safely & securely from Facebook, making it easy for new and exisiting users to sign up and stay logged into your community.


The community  page shows Latest Members, Recent Activities of the FootballShirtCulture community and Recent Group Activities.


Profile page is where your personal profile and your applications will be displayed. A User Profile picture can be displayed from your images and it will be automatically resized.
The top on the right side of the page display your profile details. You may edit it through the edit button. Under the Profile details, shows the status updates of your Friends and a button to list all your friends
Your profile name will display some details. Karma, Member since, Last online and Profile view(s). Below them, you may update your status, such as what are you currently up to, etc. This board will also update you with any incoming message or friend request.

Moving on, you will find four modules buttons. First is "invite friends" button to allow you invite friends from your contact email by keying in your friend email. Next are "Add Photos", "Add Apps" and "Start a Group" Button.

Other than above, the Profile page also display other details. First is the update of the users latest activities. Continued with the list of applications that you have added on.


Karma is a user point-system used on FSC. It shows how active you are in FSC. Karma will only be activated only when you have uploaded a picture in your user profile. Otherwise, you will forever have no Karma points.


Create unlimited special-interest groups with Jomsocial and manage them all easily. Add more members to your groups by inviting your friends and hide any group you wish with our unique Privacy Settings.

Under the groups tab, shows which groups you currently join. You will only be able to see the Groups if you have added the Groups application. Go to Application ---> Edit, and add the Groups application.


Shows images you have uploaded to your Profile. You will only see images if you have added the Photos application. Go to Application ---> Edit, and add the Photos application.


In Wall, you and your friends (at current time of writing, others too) are able to leave a comment on your Profile Page. You will only see the comments if you have added the Walls application. Go to Application ---> Edit, and add the Walls application.

Custom Fields

In user profile custom fields, for those text field that represent a url link (e.g. Home Page), you can add the string 'http://' follow by your url address, e.g. 'http://www.footballshirtculture.com. During value display in profile page, the string value will automatic converted to clickable hyperlink.

There are many applications on the profile page. You can choose which application you would like to have on your account.

List of Applications

These Applications will activate the features on your Profile. For example, to be able for you or others to comment on the Wall, you will have to activate the Wall Application on your profile.


- Enable your website RSS

allows you to upload and display Photos at your Profile - at present, only allow for single upload of photos


- allows you and other people to comment on your Wall at Profile Page
My forum updates
- allows you to create and manage forums

My Twitter updates

- get updated on twitter

To see the list of applications, go to Application --> Browse

To edit it, go to Application --> Edit. Here, you will be able to:
1. find out what are these applications for
2. setting each of the application based on your preferences
3. set the arrangement of applications by dragging it (ctrl + drag up or down).
4. adjust the privacy setting of each application
5. remove the application that you do not want to use

Personal Messaging

The personal messaging system allows you to send a message to any site members easily. There are 2 ways to send a message, via your own inbox or by click on user's profile and write a message.

File Sharing

File Sharing allows your you to upload your own files, and let guests and members download them.

You can join and participate in groups easily. Before you can post on the group wall or create a discussion, you will first need to become a member of the group. Click the "Join Now" to join your group.
To manage Group that you joined, go to Application --> Group.
Here, you can view the current groups, search a group as well as view groups that you have joined. You can also create a new group.
Group Announcement

Announcements lists all bulletins you with to make to the group. Announcements does not support replies. Only Group founder can Create Bulletin for Announcements.


Discussion lists all discussions anyone posts in the groups. Discussions support replies from group members.


Wall supports Wall posts from members of a group. Wall also supports Syret (hence youtube videos). Only Group founder can Remove Wall posts.

Photos & Media

To manage your photos, go to Application --> Media.
Here, you can upload new photos, browse them and create photo albums.

My google ads

This FSC profile application allows every user to add his own Google Adsense ads to his profile page filling in his publisher id, google adslot and ad dimensions.


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  • This commment is unpublished.
    JC10 · 15 years ago
    I have a problem, every time i got to the fantasy kit design page, and i look up a team in the search engine...it sends me straight back to the Homepage!?!?

    can you fix that please!!
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Kallenovsky · 15 years ago
    I like the new layout. Great work everyone! The new tools are a huge plus. I have one issue though. When I try to upload photos, they don't finish no matter how long I wait. The files are not over the size limit, so I'm not sure what's wrong.

    Also, I'm glad that video player is gone. The site is running so much smoother.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    fsc · 15 years ago
    hey Que p*d* How come I never see South American teams
  • This commment is unpublished.
    pepejima · 15 years ago
    Nice new design!

    As usually with new things, learning how to use the new features, but I like the new design. :D
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Caulls · 15 years ago
    Looks brilliant now, here's to another great season on FSC!
  • This commment is unpublished.
    fsc · 15 years ago
    The site looks much better now. well done!
  • This commment is unpublished.
    fsc · 15 years ago
    I love this site!!! Footballshirt
  • This commment is unpublished.
    fsc · 15 years ago
    FSC,the best website for shirt enthusiasts ;-)
  • This commment is unpublished.
    fsc · 15 years ago
    I think there should be a section for amateur and semi pro clubs to show off their new kit just like the pro's . Great opportunity for local sponsors to get noticed and also raises the profile of the clubs invloved.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    mushtyman · 16 years ago
    v looks cooler, classic design with modern touch!
  • This commment is unpublished.
    SCFC_LDC · 16 years ago
    Cheers :D:
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Guest · 16 years ago
    Nicest one i've seen so far!
  • This commment is unpublished.
    SCFC_LDC · 16 years ago
    Thanks :D:
  • This commment is unpublished.
    50in50 · 16 years ago
    Really smart. Much better way of doing the V. I like it.