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EA Sports X Fokohaela Northern Lights Shirt

EA Sports X Fokohaela Northern Lights Shirt #easports #fifa19 #fokohaela

Aurora Borealis – also known as the Northern Lights - are caused by electrically charged particles entering the Earth’s atmosphere. This natural phenomenon is best experienced in the northernmost parts of the world and now EA SPORTS FIFA is bringing Nordic nature to football fans all over the world with the EA SPORTS x FOKOHAELA Northern Lights kit – available both digitally in FIFA 19 Ultimate Team and in the form of a limited edition real-world football shirt available exclusively at Unisportstore.com.

EA SPORTS collaborated with the German based fashion brand FOKOHAELA, that specialises in making football jerseys with a twist, and their name actually originate from the German word for ‘mullet’, which is the fun fact of today. FOKOHAELA focusses in equal parts of fashion, sports and irony, and Jason Lee – Founder & Creative Director of FOKOHAELA had the following to say about the collaboration:

"Having had the opportunity to design for and collaborate with my favorite brands and teams, it’s exciting to expand my work to EA SPORTS FIFA and bring fans in the Nordics and all over the world a jersey that lets them stand out on the pitch in FIFA 19 Ultimate Team."

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