Piacenza 2019 Macron Centenary Shirt

Piacenza 2019 Macron Centenary Shirt

Piacenza Calcio 1919 and Macron have presented the centenary shirt that the 'biancorossi' will wear starting from January 2019. A jersey created with the intent to retrace all 100 years of club history.

The centenary shirt is red with white vertical stripes. The all-white collar recalls the Piacenza that, in the late 90s and early 2000s, was gracing the fields of the most important Italian stadiums.

The thin vertical white lines, pay homage to the '80s, while the logo is that of the' 50s / '60s, when the stadium was in Barriera Genova. Finally, the laces under the collar are a tribute to the very first Piacenza, the one founded in 1919 by the eighteen years old student Giovanni Dosi. The shirt is offered in a box with the gold inscription "100 years, A century of history" and on the inside the names of all those who have worn, at least once in their career, the glorious biancorossa shirt.

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    tom bola · 6 years ago
    Lovely shirt but the badge looks like something out of a comic.