Hummel 2020 Peace Uniform

Hummel 2020 Peace Uniform #ShareThePeace #hummelsport #changetheworldthroughsport

On this year’s International Day of Peace, Hummel unveiled two shirts to mark 75 years since the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

As a counterpoint to the devastating violence of the US attacks on Japan in 1945, the shirts present an image of peace rising from the carnage, with the chaotic backdrop of paint strokes in, firstly, blues and purples, and yellows and oranges being overlaid with the outline image of a dove carrying an olive branch.

Most further embellishment - which includes the Hummel chest logo, the Hummel chevrons on the shoulders and the number 86 centrally - is in white on both shirts, while there is a “Bunkyo” crest on the chest.

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