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AC Milan 2020-21 Third Kit Prediction

AC Milan 2020-21 Third Kit Prediction #acmilan #forzamilan #SempreMilan

This is Corinth's prediction for Milan`s 2020-21 Third kit.

According to leaks, Milan's third kit will be 'deep lagoon' and 'gibraltar sea', which are shades of teal, and, more distinctively, the shirt will feature a Houndstooth graphic.

White logos and red detailings complete the kit (while there's no mention of red in the leaks, I do believe they'll feature in the actual kit, since red - even if a small amount - has been present in every Milan third kit for the past 15-or-so years).

Designs and prediction by Corinth

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  • This commment is unpublished.
    CANADIANACMFAN · 5 years ago
    I think that the odds of ‘my’ favourite team wearing an abomination like that next year are as good as the player you featured on the back of said jersey illustration still being on ‘my’ team after this winters transfer window closes. So yeah, I am not buying it. Sorry!!!