The 1990s is often remembered as a period of excess in graphic patterns on football kits, and the Ribero example Coventry City wore as they kicked off their Premier League life is no exception.
At first look, the sky blue with scattered white and truer blue seems random, but there is some structure to the effect. Add in a Peugeot logo - eventually placed on a white rectangle for legibility - and you have an iconic Nineties design from an iconic Nneties Premier League side.
The Design Football Kitvote section was set up with the intention of showcasing great design, by way of great designers, and adding a little democracy to critical opinion of football kits and crests.
For this retrospective "Premier League 1992-93 Home Kit Vote" DF teamed up with John Devlin and the rules are simple:
Choose your favourite 3 kits and cast 3 votes.
Is this Coventry City 1992-93 Home strip one of your favourite kits of the 1992-93 season?