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United States X New Balance Shirt Concepts

United States X New Balance Shirt Concepts #ussoccer #usmnt #kitdesign

The USA national team kit contract has been with Nike for a quarter of a century now - pairing two American institutions - but what if another US company got a shot as manufacturer?

Over on FSC sister site DesignFootball.com, member MulBahtiar has created three New Balance designs which give us some exciting alternatives to the Swoosh-carrying USMNT shirts.

The Home shirt has heavy hints of the current Liverpool first choice design, sporting similar pinstripes on a white base, and the alternate-coloured sleeve cuffs nod to the red and blue which often appear and of course feature on the national flag.

Old Glory is nodded to even more on the Away design. The torso is covered in a blue stars pattern, which has echoes of classic US kits of days gone by. The famous stripes are referenced in the red of the quasi-raglan sleeves and shoulders.

Not acting as much of an alternative to the Home shirt in the colouring, the white Third shirt however offers a classic design with a wonderfully measured dual-colour sash feature, which the national association crest is mounted onto, opposite the “NB” logo of the imagined technical partner.

Nike have delivered some wonderful designs for their national side, but America are clearly blessed with options when it comes to keeping the contract in the US of A.

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United States x New Balance shirt concepts - Home

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United States x New Balance shirt concepts - Away

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United States x New Balance shirt concept - Third

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