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Lazio Announce Binance Shirt Sponsorship Deal

Lazio Announce Binance Shirt Sponsorship Deal #lazio #sslazio #lazioroma #Binance

S.S. Lazio announced a partnership agreement with Binance, that becomes the Club's new Main Jersey Sponsor.

Binance is a leading blockchain ecosystem and cryptocurrency infrastructure provider, trusted by millions of users around the world.

The sponsoring partnership between Binance and Lazio as Main Jersey Sponsor has a duration of two years with an option for a third one, for a total value, in the three-year period, between fixed and variable, of over 30 million of euros. The Binance brand will debut on the Lazio jersey and in all communication activities starting from the next Lazio – Inter home match.

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"We are very satisfied with this new international collaboration - commented the President of Lazio mr. Claudio Lotito – our partnership with Binance will allow us to extend our digital presence and connect with our fans and followers from all over the world like never before".


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