1977 Erima Catalogue Pages

1977 Erima Catalogue Pages #Erima #gemeinsamgewinnen #erimasportswear

The history of German brand Erima is complex and intertwined with that of adidas. At the very least, Erima should be as respected for its football kit manufacturing pedigree as the Brand with the Three Stripes is, certainly over the 1970s.

These catalogue pages show that Erima is so much more than the reputational cheap alternative to Trefoil-carrying equivalents.

In the kids’ replica section, Borussia Mönchengladbach have a green and black-striped design which could be seen as foreshadowing bold adidas branding from 15 years ahead, and although it looks like a kind of antiquated Photoshop method has been employed on some others, the misaligned logos have quite a charm.

Highlights amongst the teamwear sections include, with hindsight, Paris Saint-Germain-styled torsos with sleeve bands to match, and an approximation of the time’s Admiral England kit. An adidas Bayern Munich shirt may have sneaked into the catalogue, but Erima were holding their own as the 20th century began its final quarter.

Thanks to Jimmy from The Glove Bag - tgbjimmy on Twitter - for bringing this to our attention.

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