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Going, Going, Gone - Bruno Conti's Italy 1982 World Cup Shirt

Bruno Conti's Italy 1982 World Cup Shirt
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Italy’s 3-2 victory over Brazil on their way to mundial glory at the España '82 tournament is regarded as one of the greatest World Cup matches ever.

Accordingly, any item worn in that 1982 fixture is bound to be desirable to collectors, and so it proved with Bruno Conti’s number-16 Le Coq Sportif Italy shirt.

With stylings of the time, including the V-necked-and-winged collar and the Italian Tricolore trim, adding to the aesthetical attractiveness, this shirt’s auction bidding closed at £19,000, making a mockery of the original estimate of £1,200-1,800.

This item was sold by Graham Budd Auctions, a specialist in sporting memorabilia.

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