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Going, Going, Gone - Tommy Gemmell's Celtic 1970 Match Worn Shirt

Going, Going, Gone - Tommy Gemmell's Celtic 1970 Match Worn Shirt
  • Get 10% DISCOUNT on Match Worn Shirts - Use Code "FSC10": HERE

Eventually lasting through the pessimistic estimate of £400-600, this Celtic shirt match-worn by club legend Tommy Gemmell was recently made available at auction.

The association with a veritable “Lisbon Lion” in around 1970, and the significance of the specific article combined with the timeless quality of that particular style of shirt for the Glasgow side - no number on the reverse, as it was for so long - saw it change hands for a whopping £12,000.

Despite its damage - or perhaps because of it - the long-sleeved Umbro product proved hugely attractive.

This item was sold by Graham Budd Auctions, a specialist in sporting memorabilia.

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