1981 Umbro Advert - Special offer to Soccer '81 Collectors

1981 Umbro Advert - Special offer to Soccer '81 Collectors #umbro #vintagefootball

Sometimes, a single page advert in a sticker album - the FKS Soccer ’81 album, on this occasion - can give us such football design-related happiness.

This advert for Umbro products - though the eagle-eyed will notice adidas footwear, likely appearing due to the working relationship the two brands enjoyed at the time - is from a real heyday for the double-diamonded British company. The iconic and trademark diamond taping - in two variants - appears on a Liverpool tracksuit top, the Scotland shirt, and Gary Owen’s sublime West Bromwich Albion kit, and yet the Hitachi-sponsored Liverpool kit somehow doesn’t suffer through its omission.

The “Umbro International” travel bags are another treat, as if we needed any more.

Thanks to Jimmy from The Glove Bag - tgbjimmy on Twitter - for bringing this to our attention.

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1981 umbro advert special offer to soccer 81 collectors

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  • This commment is unpublished.
    Wessex · 3 years ago
    I had the "Umbrokit" 1979 Liverpool Hitachi strip for Christmas. The full ensemble of shirt,shorts and socks. Sheer class.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    SkyeBaggie · 4 years ago
    The mighty Gary Owen in a no 10 shirt.