1994 "Foot Center” Football Apparel Advert

1994 "Foot Center” Football Apparel Advert

This “Foot Center” football apparel advert from a 1994 edition of France Football is quite the curio.

Featuring the style of adidas France kit that Zinedine Zidane made his international debut in - and what a debut - along with the Bordeaux design he was togging out in at the time, the great and the good of French, European and international football are well represented.

Manchester United, for example, see their Newton Health-style shirt included - presented with blue teamwear shorts, oddly - but Olympique de Marseille were dealing with some stuff so only featured in VHS tape form.

The ABM Lille shirt now seems a lost classic, the Umbro and Lotto trainingwear are gems, and who could decline a pair of Jean-Pierre Papin Patrick goalscoring boots? Better still, how about the Paris Saint-Germain cap, polo shirt and shorts outfit, being modelled by someone aptly bearing a striking resemblance to Alex Mann of “Dave at Glastonbury” fame?

Thanks to Shahan Petrossian on Twitter for bringing this to our attention.

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    Matt · 2 years ago
    Beautiful and engaging. This for me was how I got my first look at the new kits from the time and would pour over the designs for hours on end. Amazing to look at these again.