1904 Frank Sugg Catalogue Pages

1904 Frank Sugg Catalogue Pages #kitdesign #footballshirt

Recently shared by football memorabilia collector John Daniels, these antique “Athletic Manufacturer” catalogue pages give an insight into the football outfitting scene of 1904.

The Frank Sugg brochure features striking shirts in wonderful fabrics such as merino and flannelette, with countless combination options on designs, cuts and necks - button and lace-up, of course, and “Shakespeare” collars. If anything, it could be said that - sublimation of graphics aside - a truly bespoke kit was easier to come by 117 years ago than it is today!

And a footballer - of “Rugby or Association Code” - also needs boots, which Frank Sugg will gladly supply. A “Forward” boot, perhaps? Or the brogue-style “Klynker”? Suit you.

Huge thanks to John Daniels on Twitter for bringing these to our attention.

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