First football boots as a child? For many: Gola. The budget option, like a Yamaha Pacifica or Squier guitar rather than a vintage Gibson Les Paul, you never know to what extent you’ll take to the beautiful game, so go easy on the wallet.
But, as these 1974 catalogue pages demonstrate, there’s historically been more to Gola than My First Football Boots. Like so many brands of the time, less was more. A black boot, with a white or specifically-coloured flash as contrast. Leather, for sure, along with the unmistakable branding, means an endorsement from a player of the calibre of Peter Osgood gave the footwear a certain unlikely cachet.
And who’d turn down an original pair of Gola Cobras today? Or even a towelling training top? That one’s best worn with Speedos and nothing else, apparently. And whilst the lavender and yellow tracksuit might be best left in the 70s, Gola had a lot back then we wouldn’t turn our noses up at nearly half a century later.
Thanks to Jimmy from The Glove Bag - tgbjimmy on Twitter - for bringing this to our attention.