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1996 SoccerMaster Catalogue Pages

1996 SoccerMaster Catalogue Pages #goalkeeper #Sondico #reuschuk #umbro

With so many sets of catalogue pages brought to our attention by goalkeeping apparel devotee Jimmy from The Glove Bag, it’s no wonder occasionally they’ll be custodian-centric.

These examples from the USA feature some very “out there” and very 1996 Umbro goalkeeper shirt designs, including one which suggests a child was let loose with paint, and a Refreshers sweets-looking model associated with England goalkeeper David Seaman which suggests a child was let loose on [italic] Paint.

The latter’s similarly abysmal cousin from across the Irish Sea is claimed to have been worn “in the Euro 96 cup”. That’ll be news to Ireland fans.

Lotto, Sondico - by way of a remarkable twist on stars and stripes - Reusch and adidas all feature too, in shirts, gloves and equipment. The lattermost most notably thanks to a paint stripe-y version of a design worn outfield (France Away at Euro 96) and in between the sticks (France’s Bernard Lama at Euro 96) with the famous three stripes running from shoulders down the sides of the torso.

Thanks to Jimmy from The Glove Bag - tgbjimmy on Twitter - for bringing this to our attention.

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    Matt · 2 years ago
    As a former goalkeeper myself I spent many hours pouring over these pages as a kid, wanting the latest styles for my glovebag and pestering my Parents to part with their money to buy me the best pair. I lived this to the max. Brilliant reminder of what once was.